Research Themes
Broadly, my research is anchored around natural language as a key communication medium and is motivated by making AI systems (1) helpful and (2) efficient.
In pursuit of these objectives, my team and I have made various endeavors toward the following more specific themes:
Augmentation: Developing computational models that synergistically augment human experience. The ultimate goal of our work is to benefit humans!
Generality: Developing models that generalize a broader scope of tasks, abilities, modalities, or environments. Often, the challenge here is the long tail of problems.
Specificity: Developing models tailored to specific user needs or application domains to offer both utility and efficiency.
Self-supervised learning of representations of the world using cheap signals in the wild (web data, physical environment, etc.) in an algorithmically efficient (data and compute) manner.
Reasoning: Improving models’ ability to communicate via reasons, for creative problem-solving (recovering from earlier mistakes) and also explainability (using βreasonsβ to explain or justify decisions).
Interpretability: Analyzing model operations to help humans understand behaviors, e.g., how does in-context learning emerge or operate? How do LMs balance between ‘remembering’ and ‘learning’?
Safety: Making AI more transparent to allow democratic oversight and governance of systems (their algorithmic biases and mistakes) by a population of users.
Interaction: Effectively engaging with humans and other AI systems for, for example, coordination.
Applications of AI: We are excited about the increased adoption of AI! We have ongoing work on AI for science and clinical applications.
The dominant majority of my research is aligned with the following research communities: natural language processing (ACL, NAACL, EMNLP), machine learning (ICLR, NeurIPS, ICML), and artificial intelligence (AAAI, IJCAI).
If you are an undergraduate or masters student and would like to work on research with my group, please fill out this form.
Recent Talks
2025, University of Pennsylvania Computational Linguistics lunch
2024, University of Cambridge the Language Technology Lab seminar (slides)
2024, Oracle Labs ML seminar (slides)
2024, Tel Aviv NLP seminar (slides)
2024, Forum on ‘‘Engineered AI Systems’’ (slides)
2024, Keynote at ‘‘Engineering for Professionals’’ quarterly meeting (slides)
2024, Workshop on ‘‘LLMs for Healthy Aging’’ (slides)
2023, NYU ‘‘Text-as-Data’’ talk series (slides)
2023, Hopkins Center for Language and Speech Technologies seminar (video)
2023, Hopkins Electrical Engineering department seminars (slides)
2023, Amazon ‘‘Human in the Loop’’ seminar
2023, Hopkins Center for Health Security seminars (slides)
2023, UMD Computational Linguistics seminar (slides)
2023, Applied Physics Lab, Intelligent Systems Center seminars
2022, University of Tehran NLP seminar
2021, University of Glasgow IR seminar (slides)
2021, Johns Hopkins University (slides)
2021, Google AI (slides)
2021, UCLA Big Data and ML seminar (slides)
2021, USC NLP seminar (slides)
2020, Tel Aviv University NLP seminar (slides)
2019, Workshop on Progress Towards the Holy Grail, Conference on Constraint Programming (CP), 2019. (slides)
2019, CMU LTI seminar (slides)
2018, NYU NLP seminar Reasoning-Driven Question Answering.
2018, Stanford NLP seminar (slides)
2018, Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning (slides)
Disclaimer: This material is presented to ensure the timely dissemination of scholarly works. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms invoked by each author's copyright.
CARDBiomedBench: A Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Model Performance in Biomedical Research. Owen Bianchi, Maya Willey, Chelsea X Avarado, Benjamin Danek, Marzieh Khani, Nicole Kuznetsov, Anant Dadu, Syed Shah, Mathew J Koretsky, Mary B Makarious, Cory Weller, Kristin S Levine, Sungwon Kim, Paige Jarreau, Dan Vitale, Elise Marsan, Hirotaka Iwaki, Hampton Leonard, Sara Bandres-Ciga, Andrew B Singleton, Mike A. Nalls, Shekoufeh Mokhtari, Daniel Khashabi and Faraz Faghri. biorxiv preprint 2025.01.15.63327, 2025. [data] [code] [blog]
GenEx: Generating an Explorable World. Taiming Lu, Tianmin Shu, Junfei Xiao, Luoxin Ye, Jiahao Wang, Cheng Peng, Chen Wei, Daniel Khashabi, Rama Chellappa, Alan Yuille and Jieneng Chen. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.09624, 2024. [project]
Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models. Aarohi Srivastava, Abhinav Rastogi, Abhishek Rao, Abu Awal Md Shoeb, Abubakar Abid, Adam Fisch, Adam R. Brown, Adam Santoro, Aditya Gupta, Adri`{a} Garriga-Alonso, Agnieszka Kluska, Aitor Lewkowycz, Akshat Agarwal, Alethea Power, Alex Ray, Alex Warstadt, Alexander W. Kocurek, Ali Safaya, Ali Tazarv, Alice Xiang, Alicia Parrish, Allen Nie, Aman Hussain, Amanda Askell, Amanda Dsouza, Ambrose Slone, Ameet Rahane, Anantharaman S. Iyer, Anders Andreassen, Andrea Madotto, Andrea Santilli, Andreas Stuhlm"{u}ller, Andrew Dai, Andrew La, Andrew Lampinen, Andy Zou, Angela Jiang, Angelica Chen, Anh Vuong, Animesh Gupta and others. Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2023. Finalist for outstanding certification.π [data]
Super-NaturalInstructions: Generalization via Declarative Instructions on 1600+ Tasks. Yizhong Wang, Swaroop Mishra, Pegah Alipoormolabashi, Yeganeh Kordi, Amirreza Mirzaei, Anjana Arunkumar, Arjun Ashok, Arut Selvan Dhanasekaran, Atharva Naik, David Stap, Eshaan Pathak, Giannis Karamanolakis, Haizhi Gary Lai, Ishan Purohit, Ishani Mondal, Jacob Anderson, Kirby Kuznia, Krima Doshi, Maitreya Patel, Kuntal Kumar Pal, Mehrad Moradshahi, Mihir Parmar, Mirali Purohit, Neeraj Varshney, Phani Rohitha Kaza, Pulkit Verma, Ravsehaj Singh Puri, Rushang Karia, Shailaja Keyur Sampat, Savan Doshi, Siddhartha Mishra, Sujan Reddy, Sumanta Patro, Tanay Dixit, Xudong Shen, Chitta Baral, Yejin Choi, Noah A. Smith, Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Daniel Khashabi. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2022. [data] [slides] [slides2] [poster] [project] [blog]
NeuroLogic A*esque Decoding: Constrained Text Generation with Lookahead Heuristics. Ximing Lu, Sean Welleck, Peter West, Liwei Jiang, Jungo Kasai, Daniel Khashabi, Ronan Le Bras, Lianhui Qin, Youngjae Yu, Rowan Zellers, Noah A. Smith and Yejin Choi. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), 2022. Best paper award.π [code]
Prompt Waywardness: The Curious Case of Discretized Interpretation of Continuous Prompts. Daniel Khashabi, Xinxi Lyu, Sewon Min, Lianhui Qin, Kyle Richardson, Sean Welleck, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal, Sameer Singh and Yejin Choi. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), 2022. [slides] [slides2] [talk] [code]
Findings of the 2021 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT21). Farhad Akhbardeh, Arkady Arkhangorodsky, Magdalena Biesialska, Ond{v{r}}ej Bojar, Rajen Chatterjee, Vishrav Chaudhary, Marta R. Costa-jussa, Cristina Espa{~n}a-Bonet, Angela Fan, Christian Federmann, Markus Freitag, Yvette Graham, Roman Grundkiewicz, Barry Haddow, Leonie Harter, Kenneth Heafield, Christopher Homan, Matthias Huck, Kwabena Amponsah-Kaakyire, Jungo Kasai, Daniel Khashabi, Kevin Knight, Tom Kocmi, Philipp Koehn, Nicholas Lourie, Christof Monz, Makoto Morishita, Masaaki Nagata, Ajay Nagesh, Toshiaki Nakazawa, Matteo Negri, Santanu Pal, Allahsera Auguste Tapo, Marco Turchi, Valentin Vydrin and Marcos Zampieri. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), 2021.
ParsiNLU: A Suite of Language Understanding Challenges for Persian. Daniel Khashabi, Arman Cohan, Siamak Shakeri, Pedram Hosseini, Pouya Pezeshkpour, Malihe Alikhani, Moin Aminnaseri, Marzieh Bitaab, Faeze Brahman, Sarik Ghazarian and others. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), 2021. [slides] [code]
From ‘F’ to ‘A’ on the NY Regents Science Exams: An Overview of the Aristo Project. Peter Clark, Oren Etzioni, Daniel Khashabi, Tushar Khot, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Kyle Richardson, Ashish Sabharwal, Carissa Schoenick, Oyvind Tafjord, Niket Tandon, Sumithra Bhakthavatsalam, Dirk Groeneveld, Michal Guerquin and Michael Schmitz. AI Magazine, 2020. [talk] [coverage]
CogCompNLP: Your swiss army knife for nlp. Daniel “Khashabi, Mark Sammons, Ben Zhou, Tom Redman, Christos Christodoulopoulos, Vivek Srikumar, Nicholas Rizzolo, Lev Ratinov, Guanheng Luo, Quang Do, Chen-Tse Tsai, Subhro Roy, Stephen Mayhew, Zhili Feng, John Wieting, Xiaodong Yu, Yangqiu Song, Shashank Gupta, Shyam Upadhyay, Naveen Arivazhagan, Qiang Ning, Shaoshi Ling and Dan” Roth. International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2018. [poster] [code]
Image demosaicing. Reinhard Sebastian Bernhard Nowozin, Danyal Khashabi, Jeremy Martin Jancsary, Bruce Justin Lindbloom and Andrew William Fitzgibbon. US Patent 9,344,690 - Google Patents, 2016.